I have decided not to be officially open on Mondays, since i have more customers coming Tuesday through Sunday anyway .
so just give me a call if you want to come out. I am almost always here. (unless i am not)
farm news: The turkeys are getting so big, and they are so sociable they love you to pet them . and come running when they see you.
the veggie/ fruit garden is really starting to produce.
the lavender is finally taking off... its been hit and miss for a while...
well anyway guys come out i'd love to see you....
so what do you think of a grape vineyard? they are a lot like lavender, with watering and temperament.
grapes and lavender... just like being in France...
hi Carmen, well I found ya! Left you a message on etsy, then went to Facebook and Pinterest. I would love to have a note from you.