Sunday, May 10, 2015

The weather again?

For petes sake it's May . Can you believe it's snowing once again?
I've always said never plant til after Mother's Day.
cuz we always get a surprise snow.
then I kill all my plants.
Ok I really was suprised.
Way to cold and snowy. So definately call first if your coming monday.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, and for Pete's sake is right! Colorado is so fickle when giving up winter. Then it is over,,,, the sun returns. Ever changing... Kinda like life in general. I had heard you had hail from the weather channel, but it looked like it missed your part of the state. When you live in the south, one has to be on top of the weather, and your storms eventually make it east in some form or another. You have been drifting into my mind for a couple of weeks, that means we should have a phone chat.
    Love you!
