Monday, May 27, 2013

What's new at the Curiosity Shop?

First off, We would like to thank our service members for their service! We would not have the freedom we do today without you!

Updates from the Curiosity Shop: We have swung into the summer season with some fun thinking-of-you gift ideas! Working on your garden, or know someone who is? These cute paper tags are more than just neat hand made paper- they are meant to be planted! Lavender, Thyme, and Rosemary seed tags for sale! Pair them up with the compostable seed starting pots and you are good to go!

For fun we made up some quilt clutches for carrying your necessities on the go! (Only $5) It is quaint, casual, and unique! (For the do-it-yourself-ers we also sell the quilt squares for only $1.75  to make one yourself!)

A gift from a book folding student! CURIOSITY SHOP
At the coffee counter a new fresh roast of Bolivian Coffee is ready to brew! Bolivia is not known for it's coffee, but mostly because of the political unrest. In the event a good batch of coffee does make its way out of Bolivia it is a special treat!

Also in is a fresh batch of cinnamon for spiced teas and FREE tea journals for our regular tea customers!

Working on more new projects for the Old Glory show as well, coming up in June!
Baker's candle set!

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